Qualified Leader for Naperville District 203

District 203 School Board: Accomplishments & Awards
Illinois State Board of Education Award, "Those Who Excel" School Board Member
Illinois Association of School Boards Award, Master School Board Member
Vice President of School Board since 2017
District 203 highest number of exemplary schools in the state for K-12 unit districts
Saved taxpayers $32.7 million
Debt service levy abatement
Early buy back of bonds from 2008
Reduction in general levy (very rare for school districts)
Reimbursement allocation of $10 million
Nationally recognized approach to social emotional learning
District 203 School Board: Initiatives

Remote learning and live streaming hybrid learning during pandemic
All-day kindergarten
Expanded early childhood services
Expanded summer learning opportunities
Focus on closing achievement gaps
Focus on culturally responsive practices
New curriculum - English language arts, math, science and social studies
Digital learning initiative - a device for every student
Increased and integrated STEM opportunities
College and career counseling and readiness
Multi-tiered system of support for every student
Master facility plan and secure entry improvements
Updated demographic study and long term projections on enrollment
Learning commons transitions to collaborative learning environments
New Business INCubator course, an entrepreneurial collaboration with our community businesses

District 203 Community Leadership, Committees & Awards
"Those Who Excel" Community Award
Distinguished Educator Nominations
Standard-Bearer School District Process Assessment Design Team
K-12 Mathematics Curriculum Committee
Textbook adoption committees
Curriculum and assessment development
Staff development leader for technology
Statistical analysis of IGAP scores
School Improvement Interdisciplinary Design Team
Transportation Cost Analysis for District 203 Board of Education
Masters work included observations of NUMA negotiations and review of legal documents

Experience as Educator
Mathematics Teacher, Naperville North High School
Athletic Trainer, Naperville North High School
Instructor 'Math Methods for Elementary School Teachers', North Central College
Junior High Youth Ministry Leader, Good Shepherd Church, Naperville
Mathematics Textbook Reviewer
Implemented individualized web based learning plan for students
Tutoring from junior high to college level mathematics

Volunteer Leadership Roles
Cross Country Coach, Naperville Central High School
Home & School Committee Chair & member of 8 committees
Committee Chair, Boy Scout Troop 75, Naperville
Philmont and various High Adventure Leader, Boy Scout Troop 75
Den Leader, Cub Scout Pack 565
Chess Coach, Scott School Chess Club
Past-President, Hobson School Parent Board
Hobson School, Owl Award and Advisory Board
Soccer Coach, Naperville Park District